Welcome to the #MFLtwitterati podcast! Our podcast is designed to celebrate the voices of the modern language teaching community in the UK, Ireland and beyond by showcasing the fab ideas and resources they share on Twitter with your hosts Joe Dale and Noah Geisel.
This dynamic and supportive community has a wide variety of members including language teachers and departments, consultants and organisations from the UK and lreland and beyond. We regularly share updates, links to resources and advice on anything and everything to do with languages and language learning. The main idea of this podcast is to share language teachers’ innovative practice enhancing teaching and learning both in and out of the classroom!
The podcast is aimed at anyone interested in language education at all levels, as well as fans of EdTech and is divided into specific sections. We begin with the radar section where Noah and I talk about an idea, resource or new app or web tool update which has particularly caught our eye recently. Then comes the #mfltwitterati takeaways where Noah and I discuss tweets tagged with the #mfltwitterati hashtag that have particularly resonated with us. Next, we have the MFL show and tell section where members of the #mfltwitterati describe a class activity they have found to be effective or an event they have attended. Following that is the techtalk interview where Noah and I speak to a language educator about how they are integrating tech into their practice and we unpack some of their tips and tricks.
We hope you find the podcast useful and that you try out some of the ideas in your own class. Feel free to send us some audio feedback using the SpeakPipe widget on the right hand side of the site or written feedback in the comment sections under each post or via Twitter including the #mfltwitterati hashtag of course. We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for listening.
Joe Dale is an independent languages consultant from the UK and former languages teacher with 13 years of classroom experience. He works with a range of organisations including The Association for Language Learning, The British Council, the BBC, Skype, Microsoft and The Guardian. He was host of the TES MFL forum for six years, an SSAT Lead Practitioner, a regular conference speaker and recognised expert on technology and language learning. He has run training courses and spoken at conferences in Europe, North America, South America, the Far East, the Middle East, and Australasia. He was a member of the Ministerial Steering Group on languages for the UK coalition government and advised on the Linguanet Worldwide project for The Language Company. He created ICT activities for the new Institut Français, Association for Language Learning and Network for Languages Primary French Project Niveau Bleu, Blanc and Rouge courses and was short-listed for a NAACE Impact Award in 2013 too. Joe supported the Erasmus Plus project Conflict to Cooperation with 5 European countries too and was recently described in a Guardian article as an ‘MFL guru’ and ‘the man behind the #mfltwitterati.’. Joe is @joedale on Twitter.
Noah Geisel is a World Languages, EdTech and Digital Badges consultant and speaker passionate about helping educators and students make awesome happen. He has 16 years of experience teaching Spanish, English and Technology and was recognized as the 2013 ACTFL National Language Teacher of the Year. He is a constant collaborator on Twitter and frequent blogger on Medium.com. He is a learner, sharer, traveler and giver of high fives. He is also Education Director at Stackup.net. Noah makes his own buttons and collects belt buckles and ViewMasters. Noah is @SenorG on the Twitter.
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